Everything about Medicinal Rosemary

7 months ago

This is part 2 on my short series on Rosemary 🌿 Rosemary is such a powerful medicinal herb, the top key takeaway I would have for it is increased circulation 🟢 Rosemary helps to get the blood pumping, which makes it perfect for hair growth or to help promote healing ❤️‍🩹 Below I'll put a list of possible uses and how its been used in folk medicine.


🌿Memory, stress, immune, digestive, hair loss, blood flow, headache, detox, anti-inflammatory, muscle spasms, low blood pressure, anti-bacterial, menstrual periods, diabetes, respiratory infection, flu, uplifting, antifungal, antiseptic 🌿


🌿Chewing an a sprig can help headaches
🌿Being exposed to the smell can help memory
🌿When crushed helps bring a uplifting effect
🌿Rosemary helps blood flow to the brain
🌿Supports gut bacteria
🌿Blood cleansing
🌿Keeps candida in checking

🪴 Rosemary is best in oil, infusions, and tea

🌿Liquid extract 1:1 ratio of 45% alcohol, this is to be taken in 1 to 4 milliters orally 1 to 3 times a day

🌿Essential oil diluted to 1:1 with a carrier oil

🌿This is great to be diffused and inhaled

🛑Never take pure rosemary oil internally, do not take rosemary internally while pregnant as this may cause the smoothing of the uterus lining, do not take if you have high blood pressure, not for children under 6 years old use caution with children over 6🛑

How do you use rosemary at home? Not only is this herb great for season food it is also giving you amazing benefits! 🧑‍🍳 Let me know some of your favorite uses in the comments below 👇 And remember all herbal remedies need time and consistency to see a change!

Here is the legal.❗
I am an herbalist, not a licensed medical professional. The information provided in my videos is intended to support your overall health and wellness and is not intended to replace medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis anything. These videos are for educational purposes and are not evaluated by the FDA. (or any other organization) Please do your own research. Be smart and stay safe.

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