7/10/24 don’t make a compromising connection. ❤️

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2 Chronicles 17:1-10
Jehoshaphat of Judah
Asa's son Jehoshaphat was the next king; he started out by working on his defense system against Israel. He put troops in all the fortress cities of Judah and deployed garrisons throughout Judah and in the towns of Ephraim that his father Asa had captured. God was on Jehoshaphat's side because he stuck to the ways of his father Asa's early years. He didn't fool around with the popular Baal religion— he was a seeker and follower of the God of his father and was obedient to him; he wasn't like Israel. And God secured the kingdom under his rule, gave him a firm grip on it. And everyone in Judah showed their appreciation by bringing gifts. Jehoshaphat ended up very rich and much honored. He was single-minded in following God; and he got rid of the local sex-and-religion shrines.
In the third year of his reign he sent his officials—excellent men, every one of them—Ben-Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah on a teaching mission to the cities of Judah. They were accompanied by Levites—Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tob-Adonijah; the priests Elishama and Jehoram were also in the company. They made a circuit of the towns of Judah, teaching the people and using the Book of The Revelation of God as their text.
There was a strong sense of the fear of God in all the kingdoms around Judah—they didn't dare go to war against Jehoshaphat.

2 Chronicles 18:1-11
But even though Jehoshaphat was very rich and much honored, he made a marriage alliance with Ahab of Israel. Some time later he paid a visit to Ahab at Samaria. Ahab celebrated his visit with a feast—a huge barbecue with all the lamb and beef you could eat. But Ahab had a hidden agenda; he wanted Jehoshaphat's support in attacking Ramoth Gilead. Then Ahab brought it into the open: "Will you join me in attacking Ramoth Gilead?" Jehoshaphat said, "You bet. I'm with you all the way; you can count on me and my troops."
Then Jehoshaphat said, "But before you do anything, ask God for guidance."
The king of Israel got the prophets together—all 400 of them— and put the question to them: "Should I attack Ramoth Gilead or should I hold back?"
"Go for it," they said. "God will hand it over to the king."
But Jehoshaphat dragged his feet, "Is there another prophet of God around here we can consult? Let's get a second opinion."
The king of Israel told Jehoshaphat, "As a matter of fact, there is another. But I hate him. He never preaches anything good to me, only doom, doom, doom—Micaiah son of Imlah."
"The king shouldn't talk about a prophet like that!" said Jehoshaphat.
So the king of Israel ordered one of his men, "Quickly, get Micaiah son of Imlah."
Meanwhile, the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat were seated on their thrones, dressed in their royal robes, resplendent in front of the Samaria city gates. All the prophets were staging a prophecy-performance for their benefit. Zedekiah son of Kenaanah had even made a set of iron horns, and brandishing them, called out, "God's word! With these horns you'll gore Aram until there's nothing left of them!" All the prophets chimed in, "Yes! Go for Ramoth Gilead! An easy victory! God's gift to the king!"

2 Chronicles 20:34-37
The rest of Jehoshaphat's life, from start to finish, is written in the memoirs of Jehu son of Hanani, which are included in the Royal Annals of Israel's Kings.
Late in life Jehoshaphat formed a trading syndicate with Ahaziah king of Israel—which was very wrong of him to do. He went in as partner with him to build ocean-going ships at Ezion Geber to trade with Tarshish. Eliezer son of Dodavahu of Mareshah preached against Jehoshaphat's venture: "Because you joined forces with Ahaziah, God has shipwrecked your work." The ships were smashed and nothing ever came of the trade partnership.

UK Prophetic Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!”
July 10, 2024 Veronika West

Nigel Farage and colleagues wearing suits walk towards the camera.
Nigel Farage has arrived at Parliament for his first day in the Commons at the head of Reform UK’s first elected MPs.
The group of five men, including party chairman Richard Tice and former Tory MP Lee Anderson, had been expected to stage a Reservoir Dogs-style entrance to Westminster, referring to the Quentin Tarantino film about a failed diamond heist. © shropshirestar.com
Prophetic Signs, Signs, Signs, “With Shouts of Grace, Grace to the Mountain!”
Five (5) A Sign of God’s GRACE in the midst of the Madness — in the midst of the Greater Shakings to come!
Another Interesting Prophetic Sign to air note of, “UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead“
And Quote:
“But as I looked again at the jewels within the Crown, suddenly the 4 (four) nations of the United Kingdom came up before me.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales…. and then I quickly braced myself for the impact that I expected to take place as the heavy gold Crown crashed upon the ground — which would have scattered the Crown and shattered the jewels within the Crown.
But as I leaned forward in the vision, in an attempt to try to catch the falling Crown, to stop it from hitting the ground, I knew by revelation that the weight of the crown would be impossible to catch or to carry, and so, in the vision, I stepped back, bracing myself again for the impact of the Crown as it hit the ground.
But suddenly I saw The Hand of God come into the vision and it moved beneath the falling Crown as if to catch the Crown.
Then I heard these words, “My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has been disgraced.”
As I heard those words and I stayed watching intently, in the vision I saw the Gold crown fall upon the what looked like the marriage finger, and as the gold Crown touched the finger of God, it turned into a Royal Signet Ring!
Suddenly the jewel encrusted Crown that I had just seen — which was tarnished and had lost all its luster, beauty and radiance — now appeared as a Royal Signet Ring shinning brightly like the midday sun, upon The Finger of God.
Then I heard these Words, “For I AM a covenant keeping God, and the cries of My Saints for this land have come up before me night and day!”
As I heard those words, suddenly I heard the sound of weeping and wailing rising up from the land as The Spirit of Revelation whispered to me, “Listen! For the blood of the martyrs cries out day and night — a cry to remember the covenant promises made over this land!”
As I listened to the sound of the weeping and wailing, again The Spirit of Intercession came upon me and I began to travail again for the nation, and as I cried out to the heavens, The Spirit of Revelation quickened to me the story of the prodigal son.
Then I heard The Spirit say these Words, “Daughter, just like the prodigal son, so this nation turned its back on The Father and went its own way.
Yes! A nation that rebelled and formed alliances and cut covenants with ungodly nations, a stiff-necked nation that squandered its inheritance and sought independence.
But watch! For My Hand of Grace is now extended towards a nation that has lost its place, its Crown of Kingly Authority, its sovereignty and its true identity.
A nation that eats with the pigs. A nation that has been brought to its knees. A rebellious nation, now humbled under the mighty Hand of God!”
As I heard The Spirit say those Words, it was quickened to me a verse — Luke 15:17 — which says, “….. and finally he came to his senses.”
As those words were brought to me in the vision, The Spirit of Revelation spoke again to me saying, “Daughter, finally a nation humbled has come to its senses, for a great awakening now takes place in this land.
A nation that was blind, will have eyes to see!
A nation that was deaf, will have ears to hear a new sound and a new song that is rising from the ground!
A nation that was lost, will now return and be restored, for this nation shall be a sign among the nations, yes — as a Royal Signet Ring on My Finger, for this nation shall taste and see, that I AM good!”
Now as The Spirit spoke those Words again, I saw the gold Crown fall upon The Finger of God and become as a Royal Signet Ring which shone radiantly like the midday sun.
Then I heard these words, “Watch and pray beloved, for the throne of Jehoiachin shall be overturned and overthrown as the mantle of Zerubbabel falls upon this land”
As I heard those Words, I saw an ancient demonic stronghold being uprooted, torn down and dismantled over the nation. Then I saw a great light dawning upon the land, and I watched as the heart of a prodigal nation that had lost its Crown of Kingly Authority, its Royal Sovereignty and its True Identity, beginning to turn and return to the heart of the father.
It was quickened to me by The Spirit of Revelation in these Words, “Behold… I send you Elijah the prophet….”
And as I heard those Words, I saw a mighty whirlwind beginning to move with great power and acceleration across the nation.
Then I heard, “…. and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers!” ”
While In the Vision God showed me His Hand — and the five (5) Fingers of His Hand which spoke of the Reformation of the Five-fold Ministries, I believe the five (5) “Reform” Party MPs now appointed to Parliament reveals a powerful Prophetic parallel!
See related links:
“UK: After Humbling, a Great Awakening is Ahead“
“Reform UK’s five MPs arrive for first day in Westminster“
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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