Big Name Democrats Send Biden A Message To 'Don't Go Away Mad, Just Go Away'… And Make It Quick

7 months ago

Posted • July 10, 2024: Obama bro and podcast host Jon Favreau let the cat out of the bag today. He verified he had major concerns about Joe Biden's health and stamina at the big Obama fundraiser a few weeks ago. Apparently, even his wife was concerned. Wow! When you've lost two of Obama's closest advisors… The fundraiser Clooney is talking about is the same one media went after people for noticing Biden's behavior as "cheap fake" and Andrew Bates called reporting on it "Murdoch's sad little pact". Who is emailing Andy Bates for a follow up today? -- George Clooney: "the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate."

I guess all that talk of the video being a 'cheap fake' was a big old fake out of the American people. Not very nice of the Democrats and their handlers. Fmr. Obama Speechwriter Jon Favreau who was at the fundraiser with Clooney and Biden… Confirms: Biden Was the Same at Fundraiser as He Was During the Debate… -- Clooney’s statement makes you wonder if all the celebs pushing the vaccine actually took the vaccine, doesn’t it? They like to lie to the public. They certainly lied about Biden's condition until they couldn't get away with it anymore. Why wouldn't they life about other things? EVERY SINGLE PERSON at the Hollywood fundraiser thought Joe was mentally incompetent but they were all TOTALLY FINE WITH IT until voters saw it at the debate. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Big Name Democrats send Biden a Message to 'Don't Joe Away Mad … Just Joe Away' and Make it Quick
PJ Media: Clooney, Pelosi, and… Obama??? Maybe Biden Is Being Pushed Out After All

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