Heather Prudence Davis {Metaphore of a cartoon population I}

8 months ago

Cunt #1. Heather Prudence Davis. Junkie aids Lex Wexner, Jesse Smollett, Corona Virus 'vaccine' taker/supporter, typical "woke" retard w/ accommodating nerd code: Dats wacist. Das' nahcist. Youre not the boss of meee."Trend follower. An awkward, 10 ft tall pro abortion junkie thief that 101% fo' them streets. Victim. Def AVOID. DONT ENGAGE IN BUSINESS OR TRUST OR GIVE MONEY. Censorship supporter. Columbus, Ohio. Wexner Land. Quisenartist who fancies herself the next Silva Flathpz with her lil' 3rd grade nursery rhymes on her knife carvings in her skin she did to herself. A classless american whore took advantage of sick people, one a vet. HUGE about her "boundries n' feelings" though. Part II coming soon as a mole in her life she trusts COMPLETELY is feeding us material. This bitch was a joy to grab by the neck, throwing her 50 year old gross ass OUT, purposely bumping her goof ass mug into the door after stealing & demanding residence cuz shes always homeless. Arent 50 year old crackheads the BEST? Claims to be published, but zero tangible. Strictly: made up yootoobe 'ode to my malcontent complaining.' Serious stuff, ya' know....? Can you imagine this dangerous, HILARIOUS hysterical mess? Funny shit. Cant miss her 1984 Columbus country shitbox car w/ three tires & the giant 'FEMINIST' bumper sticker. Definatley important to at jump, loudly state, out of nowhere, zero ANYONE caring...on your CAR no less...your made up beliefs that you where COMPLETELY punked into buying that YOU came up with that identity shit on your own. Very american, VERY dizzy n' clueless. Heard she fenced the car for dope tho..of course. High brow shit.

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