This Is Just Sad. Biden's Been Reduced To Ranting About Conspiracy Theories In 4-Second Clips

7 months ago

Posted • July 10, 2024: The White House press office interns and Biden spokespeople who run the president's social media accounts made it clear they're going to try and tie Project 2025 to Donald Trump, and they asked everybody to do this. As you might have expected, that backfired. Now we move on to "Take two." The White House decided maybe this approach would be more effective with Biden in it, and they didn't have to worry about making any jump cuts this time because the video is just a few seconds long. The full clip should be "Project 2025 will destroy America and that's MY job, Jack!" But maybe the White House knows they can't use a Biden video longer than four or five seconds without the need to make edits. Anything to avoid talking about his own record that doesn't include monumental lies and gaslighting. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - No Evidence of Cognitive Decline in WH's 4-Second Clip of Biden Warning About Project 2025

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