Genesis 19:1-29 Psalm 35:9-16 Proverbs 20:17 21:6 Matthew 17:1-13 Mark 9:1-13 Luke 9:28-36 Bible

8 months ago

Genesis 19:1-29:
In this passage, two angels arrive in Sodom, and Lot welcomes them into his home. That evening, the men of Sodom surround Lot's house and demand that he send out the visitors so they can have relations with them. Lot tries to protect the angels by offering his daughters instead, but the men reject his offer. The angels rescue Lot and his family from the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They warn Lot to flee to the mountains and not to look back. As they flee, God rains down sulfur and fire on the cities, destroying them completely. Lot's wife disobeys the angels' command and looks back, turning into a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters escape to the mountains, where they settle in a cave. Lot's daughters later get him drunk and partake in activities that result in their pregnancies and births of Moab and Ammon, the ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites.

Psalm 35:9-16:
In this portion of Psalm 35, the psalmist pleads for deliverance from enemies who unjustly accuse them and seek to harm them. They ask God to arise and defend their cause, vindicating them against their adversaries. The psalmist expresses confidence in God's righteousness and justice, trusting that He will bring shame upon those who plot against the innocent. They call upon God to intervene and rescue them from the schemes of the wicked, for they are oppressed and afflicted without cause.

Proverbs 20:17:
This proverb highlights the consequences of obtaining ill-gotten gains, particularly through dishonest means. It suggests that acquiring wealth through deceit or exploitation may seem sweet at first, but ultimately it leads to bitterness and suffering. The proverb warns against pursuing wealth at the expense of one's integrity, emphasizing the importance of honesty and integrity in all financial dealings.

Proverbs 21:6:
This proverb contrasts the righteous with the wicked in their pursuit of wealth. It suggests that the accumulation of treasures by a lying tongue is like a fleeting vapor, disappearing quickly and bringing no lasting benefit. In contrast, the righteous strive for justice and righteousness in all their actions, which leads to true and lasting prosperity. The proverb underscores the importance of integrity and honesty in one's pursuits and warns against the deceptive allure of ill-gotten gains.

Matthew 17:1-13:
In this passage, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, where He is transfigured before them. His face shines like the sun, and His clothes become as white as light. Moses and Elijah appear and converse with Jesus. Peter suggests building shelters for them, but a voice from a cloud interrupts, proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son of God and instructing the disciples to listen to Him. After the vision, Jesus tells the disciples not to tell anyone until after His resurrection. The disciples inquire about the prophecy concerning Elijah, and Jesus explains that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for Him.

Mark 9:1-13:
In this passage, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, where He is transfigured before them. His clothes become dazzling white, and Elijah and Moses appear, talking with Jesus. Peter suggests building shelters for them, but a cloud overshadows them, and a voice from the cloud declares Jesus as God's beloved Son, urging the disciples to listen to Him. After the vision, Jesus instructs the disciples not to tell anyone until after His resurrection. They discuss the prophecy about Elijah, and Jesus affirms that Elijah has indeed come, referring to John the Baptist.

Luke 9:28-36:
In this passage, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray. While He is praying, His appearance changes, and His clothes become dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appear and speak with Jesus about His upcoming departure, which He is about to accomplish in Jerusalem. Peter suggests building shelters for them, but a cloud overshadows them, and a voice from the cloud declares Jesus as God's Son, urging the disciples to listen to Him. After the vision, Jesus and the disciples descend from the mountain, and Jesus instructs them not to tell anyone what they have seen until after His resurrection.

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