The 6th trumpet - The 4 Angels Released

6 months ago

This video shows the 6th trumpet found in the heavens as well as a recap of Trumpets 1 to 5. I also discuss how all these signs fit into the prophecies being fulfilled from the book of Revelation. I also include a timeline and chat.

(Video links below ABC's of Salvation)

ABC's of Salvation
A – Admit that you’re a sinner, and that no matter what good deeds you do, you cannot earn God’s love and forgiveness. Key Verses: Luke 18:9-14, Romans 3:23; 6:23; Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:9

Here’s the bad news. We all have a problem. It’s called sin. No one is perfect. No one is living a life the way God intended us to live. The consequence of sin is eternal death.

B – Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Believe He rose from the dead on the third day and is alive today. Key Verses: John 3:16; 15:6; Romans 5:8.

Here is the good news. God loves us so much that He can forgive any sin, no matter how big or small. God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross to save us from sin. Jesus promises us that if we put our trust in Him, He will save us from our sin.

C – Confess your faith in Christ. Key Verses: Romans 10:9-10, 13

When Jesus rose from the dead, He proved His victory over eternal death. God wants you to confess (that means to “say with your mouth”) that Jesus is Lord. He is your Savior.

D – Do everything Jesus has commanded you. Key Verses: Matthew 7:21, Matthew 28:20.

Now that you have decided to ask Jesus to forgive your sins, it is time to live for Him. The Bible gives us instructions on how to live the God kind of way.

1st Seal Video

2nd Seal Video

3rd Seal Video

4th Seal Video

5th Seal Video

6th Seal Video

7th Seal Video

The 137 and the Hybrid Eclipse Connection

7 Trumpets Video

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Revelation 15 "Great and Marvelous Sign" 7 Bowls/Vials of Filled with the Wrath of God

Revelation 15 "The Bowls are Filled" (The Menorah order)

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