PIVX in Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency

7 months ago

Planet TV Studios and their innovative television show, New Frontiers, presents episode on PIVX.

PIVX is a market-leading open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency featuring advanced privacy features, community governance mechanisms, Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, and multi-purpose masternodes. PIVX uses its native cryptocurrency (PIV) as both a means of rights-preserving, privacy enabling, near-instant digital currency exchange as well as the reward for those who help secure, build, decentralize, and govern the PIVX network protocol. In addition, the PIVX DAO places a high value on the rights of every person, one of which is the right to maintain control of their own personal information and the freedom to disclose or keep that information shielded. This is being provided through a rigorously vetted anonymity protocol (zk-SNARKs Sapling) completely customized for PIVX, and is the first cryptocurrency to implement this protocol into a Proof of Stake project.

The Technology Behind PIVX is a highly customized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain protocol using its custom-developed PoS consensus engine with a native cryptocurrency, denominated as “PIV”. PIVX integrates other features including a 2nd layer of functionality through a Masternode network that provides a decentralized governance mechanism of voting; and is currently developing new features for this layer such as the Deterministic Masternode Lists, Long Living Masternode Quorums (LLMQs) and more, as well as including the addition of the anonymity protocol zk-SNARKs Sapling to all transactions and staking.

For more information about PIVX, visit PIVX.org, or via Discord https://discord.com/invite/jzqVsJd , Twitter https://twitter.com/_pivx , or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/pivx . To speak with a global ambassador, please contact Bryan Doreian at bryan@pivx.org.

​For more information about the series visit Planet TV Studios https://planettvstudios.com or call Christian Alain, Executive Producer, (888) 210-4292 x100

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