7 months ago



Yes it's true, Diana and I are madly in Love with each other since the beginning of time and this is perhaps the most affectionate public declaration of Love to my ❤️ Darling Diana, the Huntress, The Counterintelligence Master Spy, The Queen of ❤️ and to all of our Divine Human Beings and divine Creations on our Divine Earth.

And to our dear family Member and fellow Warrior of God, Marine Le Pen, Congratulations on uniting WeThePeople here in Paris, our new Capital of our Earth Nation; The United States Republic. You are the clear winner, we know the criminals and consider them gone.

It took all of us a little longer but at the end we delivered and confirmed to all of our Divine Universe since the beginning of time, that God always won and only the winners write History.

I take the liberty to quote our dear fellow family Warrior, General De Gaulle who says:

"No matter how noble a man's intentions are, they are worth nothing without Action"

Bravo to all of our Druze Kahlooni Family for sticking together and protecting all our Children of God and his Secrets.

We are all blessed and now we truly can declare that our Divine Humanity is in the Paradise as intended by the limitless Love of God, our Creator of our limitless Divine Universe.

The word to describe the emotions in me right now has not been engineered in the R & D department and I allow myself to be blunt and just say,

Merci eternally to all Heroes, all Divine Humans on Earth and Beyond, to all the Galactic Federations and our Allies in Space for defending and protecting our Divine Universe, Earth.

Together we are now #ONE Divine Human Species and nothing stops us in our Divine Life of pure Liberty and Abundance, in eternity without any Obscurity. Diana and I will personally push the button to Switch OFF the Night, literally to keep the promise of light for eternity.

Platon is spot on when he says:

"We can understand our Children being afraid in darkness but the real tragedy manifests when Men are scared of our Light"

Diana and I are USSF CMD 50USC1550 and we are always pure dedicated to #MIPOS for ‘MISSION POSSIBLE’

We #LOVE ❤️ YOU 💫

Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy ‘Q’
Paris, United States Republic

#WWG1WGA 🤝 #SemperSupra 💫




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