Rise of sectarianism in the periphery of reign of the 16th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate.

6 months ago

@islamichistory813 #AbbasidCaliphate #MutadidBillah #Sectarianism

Rise of sectarianism in the periphery of reign of Mutadid Billah, the 16th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate.

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, Today we are describing the rise of sectarianism during the reign of Mutadid Billah, the 16th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate in this informative and educational video. Learn about the historical context and implications of this period in Islamic history. Discover how this period shaped the religious landscape of the time and its lasting effects.

In the course of the 9th century, a range of new movements emerged, based on Shi'ite doctrines, which replaced Kharijism as the main focus for opposition to the established regimes. They gained their first successes in the periphery of the Abbasid empire: the Zaydi takeover in Tabaristan was repeated in 897 in Yemen. Under al-Mu'tadid, a new danger appeared closer to the Caliphate's metropolitan areas: the Qarmatians. A radical Isma'ili sect founded in Kufa around 874, the Qarmatians were originally a sporadic and minor nuisance in the Sawad (Lower Iraq), but their power grew swiftly to alarming proportions after 897. Under the leadership of Abu Sa'id al-Jannabi, they seized Bahrayn in 899 and in the next year defeated a caliphal army under al-Abbas ibn Amr al-Ghanawi. In the years following al-Mu'tadid's death, the Qarmatians "were to prove the most dangerous enemies the Abbasids had faced since the time of the Zanj" (Kennedy). At the same time, a Kufan Isma'ili missionary, Abu Abdallah al-Shi'i, made contact with the Kutama Berbers during a pilgrimage to Mecca. His proselytization efforts made rapid headway among them, and in 902, he began attacks on the Aghlabid emirate of Ifriqiya, clients of the Abbasids. Its conquest was completed in 909, laying the foundations of the Fatimid Caliphate

So friends tomorow inshaAllah in this same time we will be described Domestic government of Abu al-abbas Ahmad ibn Talha al-Muwaffaq (Mutadid Billah)16th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

Allah Hafiz

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