7 months ago

Burkina Faso President Ibrahim Traoré met with his Malian and Nigerien counterparts on 6 July in Niamey, Niger, to create the Alliance of Sahel States Confederation. All three countries had successfully ousted Western-aligned leaders over the past few years.

In Niger, the 36-year-old president (@capitaineib226 on X) used the occasion to deliver a powerful speech denouncing imperialism and the African lackeys that uphold the imperialist system.

His reference to ‘house slaves’ who will do anything to please their masters is reminiscent of Malcolm X’s famous speech ‘Message To The Grassroots’ during which X speaks about ‘house N*gros’ and ‘field N*gros.’ It has been a long time since we have heard an African leader speak so boldly in public about the neo-colonial system that uses African henchmen to direct the flow of profits from the African continent to the West.

Are we in a new era when African leaders who have their people’s interests at heart will speak out against the exploitation Africans have suffered under for far too long? Let us know in the comments.

Video credit: Radiodiffusion Telévision du Burkina (@rtburkina on IG, YT and X, @rtbgroup on TikTok)

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