222: Red Teaming and Gathering Threat Intel with Rob Rawson

7 months ago

From Private Military Contractors to Mall Cops, the field of security is full of misconceptions, egos, and opportunities to find yourself hung out to dry for other's safety. But when we look behind the curtain into what goes in to threat prevention, we see a much deeper picture. Rob Rawson of Rozin Security joins the show to teach us about the ideas behind effective security, from red teaming, to security breaches, to threat detection and deterrence.

Whether on the level of the nation state, a company, community, family, or the individual, we have something to learn about understanding the skills behind securing a location or persons from potential harm, whether it be man made or natural.

Rozin Security and their courses can be found at rozinsecurity.com
For more from Rob Rawson follow him on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rob-rawson

This episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.com

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