75 years NATO – Do we need NATO to secure peace in Europe? (Short Version) | www.kla.tv/29688

7 months ago

NATO was founded in 1949 as a defense alliance. Since then, it has been praised as „the most successful security alliance in the world“. But has NATO really secured peace in Europe or is it fueling warmongering – for example, currently with the constant calls to continue supplying weapons and ammunition to Ukraine? Is NATO possibly serving as a diversionary tactic to divert attention from all kinds of world domination ambitions? Are there other goals behind NATO? This documentary investigates these explosive questions and presents facts that show NATO in a completely different light.

▬ IN TEXT FORM WITH SOURCES: https://www.kla.tv/29688

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▬ CFR Members of the Board

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▬ Secretaries General and SACEURs who have participated in Bilderberg conferences:
PDF for download - see below the video: www.kla.tv/29688

▬ Further broadcasts:
Council on Foreign Relations – The Secret World Government - www.kla.tv/20142

Modern “Democratization-Wars” – Real motives exposed! – “Never again war!” (short version) - www.kla.tv/12671

Number One Enemy of the State: the Octopus in State Guise – Speech by Ivo Sasek - www.kla.tv/27427

The Octopus of the Digital-Financial Complex (Exposing the Octopus in Finance) - www.kla.tv/24980

Stratfor speech : "100 years of US attack on German – Russian alliance - www.kla.tv/5726

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