Ep#438 Gareth Evans: Power Up Your Business: How VECKTA is Revolutionizing Onsite Energy

8 months ago

Full episode details here:⁠⁠ https://links.growthandscaling.com/438⁠⁠

Don't miss out on the latest in onsite energy innovation! Join ⁠⁠Gareth Evans⁠⁠, CEO of ⁠⁠VECKTA⁠⁠, as he dives into revolutionizing business energy solutions worldwide. Learn how VECKTA's platform is reshaping energy planning, design, and construction for businesses everywhere.

Join ⁠⁠Gareth Evans⁠⁠, CEO of VECKTA, as he customizes sustainable energy solutions to fit your business needs. Learn from his 20 years of energy sector experience on overcoming management challenges and seamlessly transitioning to onsite energy solutions.

 Ready to power up your business? Tune in now to learn how VECKTA is leading the charge in transforming onsite energy solutions. Don't miss out on this game-changing discussion!

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Ways to connect with Gareth Evans:
🔗 Website:⁠⁠ http://www.veckta.com/⁠⁠
🔗 Company Twitter:⁠⁠ https://twitter.com/veckta⁠⁠
🔗 Company LinkedIn:⁠⁠ https://www.linkedin.com/company/veckta/⁠⁠
🔗 Personal LinkedIn:⁠⁠ https://www.linkedin.com/in/gareth-evans-41015726/⁠⁠
🔗 YouTube:⁠⁠ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6VnLjqwDiy1m8U-RBIF7w

What’s in this episode:
01:16  Who is Gareth Evans and what does he do
01:46 What does VECKTA do for businesses
03:18 How did he get into this field
06:10 Where is the money in this for businesses and for VECKTA
08:47 Who are his target customers
11:05 captainscouncil.com
12:43 What key moments in growth stand out from his past five years
19:29 What challenges has he faced in his growth
21:05 How did he approach his sales process and cycle
25:50 What support systems has he relied on to develop his business model

I highly suggest you watch this entire exchange between Gareth Evans, and ⭐️⁠⁠Todd Westra⁠⁠ 📈
If you're looking for tips and strategies to grow and scale your business, this episode is for you!
1. Subscribe and Listen to ⁠⁠⁠The Growth and Scaling Podcast with Todd Westra ⁠2. Supercharge your growth and tap into the wisdom of others. Schedule a pre-podcast call today. 👉 ⁠⁠https://content.toddwestra.com/⁠⁠
3. Join our CEO peer advisory board and be part of a supportive community of like-minded leaders. 👉 ⁠⁠⁠https://captainscouncil.com/home⁠⁠⁠
4. Maximize LinkedIn outreach. Join our webinar for solutions to time constraints in connecting and engaging with desired prospects. 👉  ⁠⁠⁠https://www.linqed.ai/⁠⁠⁠

#GASpodcast  #WithMoku  #Toddwestra #Garethevans #EnergyInnovation #BusinessEnergySolutions #VECKTARevolution #SustainableEnergy #EnergyPlanning #EnergyDesign #EnergyConstruction #BusinessTransformation #CustomizedSolutions #SustainableBusiness #ManagementChallenges #OnsiteEnergy #EnergyTransition #PowerUpYourBusiness #GameChangingDiscussion

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