The Rock Almighty. Fear Be Gone! God Has Your Back

8 months ago

As we have stated, fear is not a motivator, it's a paralyzer. While in sudden, unexpected circumstances it is natural to feel fear; With God we are never to operate or make decisions based on fear. Rock on!

We've been hearing and talking a lot about fear lately. And I am not talking about the fake fears made up by the mainstream left-leaning media (Homophobic, transphobia, fatphobia,....and on and on). The fears that we all have to deal with at some point in order to live the life that God has laid out for us. Bottom line is Faith overcomes all fear as one is much more powerful than the other. Let's Rock!

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Moving Beyond Our Fears
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The Holy Spirit wants to guide you away from crippling anxieties to the freedom that is yours in Christ.
Luke 1:68-75
The Scriptures distinguish between two kinds of fear: healthy and unhealthy. The healthy kind is beneficial. One example is the wise caution that keeps us from touching a hot stove. Another is the proper fear of God (Ecclesiastes 12:13), which includes a sense of awe because of who the Lord is. It also involves a lifestyle of respectful obedience that honors Him.
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Music video credit:
Ransom - Memories Of You
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