Whoopi Goldberg & The View MELTSDOWNS over Joe Biden getting SHREDDED by Mainstream media

8 months ago

Whoopi Goldberg and The View lose it over CNN and mainstream media criticizing Joe Biden for being too old. CNN Jake Tapper calls out Joe Biden's cognitive issues in Joe Biden's recent interview with George Stephonolpolis. George Stephonolpolis gave a soft interview and Joe Biden even had the questions beforehand and still embarrassed himself. The Mainstream Media is freaking out with the recent dismal polls for Joe Biden post interview. Whoopi Goldberg actually said she doesn't care if Joe Biden poops his pants she would still vote for him and the rest of The View share some ridiculous comments about Joe Biden as well. Joe Biden's decline is obvious to everyone now and the CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the mainstream media can't hide it and Democrats are panicking over what to do but everyone acknowledges Joe Biden is losing to Donald Trump.

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