#117 - 118 Daniel Roytas - Can you catch a cold? Untold History & Human Experiments

7 months ago

Mr. Daniel Roytas is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Remedial Massage Therapist with over 10 years clinical and educational experience. He has lectured at a number of colleges and universities around Australia in the field of natural medicine and regularly presents for a number of professional associations. He is a published author, public speaker and passionate about educating and empowering people, so that they can have happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.

The idea that the common cold and influenza are spread via coughing, sneezing, and physical contact has been firmly implanted in our minds since childhood. However, the results of human experiments cast doubt on this theory. Researchers have failed to consistently demonstrate contagion by exposing healthy people directly to sick people or their bodily fluids. These findings suggest that our understanding of infectious disease is incomplete and challenges the long-held belief that a cold or flu can be ‘caught’.


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