Atomic Biscuits - 20240707 - Splosive Fallout

2 months ago

This week's news was absolutely plastered wall-to-wall with the end of Geriatric"fine except for his brain" "first black woman" Joe Biden's career. From across the spectrum, every pundit, every politician declared that he should step aside and let a fresh set of ideas take over. The problem is, the party has waited until it is far too late to extricate the geezer. Or have they? Are we looking at another palace coup scheduled for the Democrat convention? If you were tuned in last week I focused some on the death of Seth Rich and how it related to Julian Assange, who is once again free. What surprise can we expect from the "all's fair in love and war" crowd on the left as they pull every lever to stay in control of the White House; and the country. Will Kamala still be on the ticket? And if so, which sleezebag will she pull in to be her VP for 8 more years... Newsome? Kathy Hochul? Gretchen Whitmer? Can't see Kennedy on the Libertarian ticket teaming up with her; but never forget there is always a Kennebunkport Kennedy or two waiting to reignite Camelot, if they can get past their drug fueled lives.
How will this week's Supreme Court decision about Presidential powers sort out the rest of Biden's Administration and what exactly does "official act" mean? Is this limited to Executive Orders? Surely not. Does it cover everything in the Administrative State? Well, in light of the Chevron case, what would that mean exactly?
The conversation in Israel seems to still be about who has the most big bullets; how long again until it's time for the red heifers? What's the deal with Victor Orban and a trip to Moscow to sue for peace while Putin turned away a broker offer from Erdogan? This after the two worked a plan to clear Syria of the pentagon? And Saks Fifth Avenue bought Neiman Marcus for a couple of billion; all under the HSBC umbrella.
On this week's Atomic Biscuits I've got clips from mainstream media losing their minds over the changes happening everywhere all at once. Remember. Fear is a great motivator to get people to the polls...Propaganda 101.
Be thoughtful, and consider the source of what you hear. Does it map to what you already know to be true? does it not? does it disrupt your convictions and get you to ask more questions? are you open to new information enough to re-evaluate, and are you careful about that new input?
Research and calculations are more than feeling that something is right. Propagandists use confirmation bias frequently to get something to resonate with their targets.
This week The United States celebrated its day of Independence; and today the French go to the polls to elect new leadership. Around the world, populists and centrists and "ultra right wingers" are taking center stage and turning back the red tide of globalist communism threatening to choke life out of our shores. Britain got a new prime minister; now what?

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