Do Wheats, Grains, and Sugars Bear a Higher Heart-Disease Risk Than Fats? | Dr. William Davis

7 months ago

How do wheats, grains, and sugars affect cholesterol levels? How is the wheat we eat today different from what it was just 60–70 years ago?
After 25 years as a cardiologist, Dr. William Davis’s attention switched sharply to gut health when he saw the dramatic results that simple dietary changes brought to his heart patients.
Cutting out foods that specifically spark the creation of small low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol particles is pivotal, he says.
Small LDL particles are “much more prone to oxidation, glycation; much more adherent to walls of arteries; much more likely to instigate inflammation.”
“Small LDL is the driving cause of heart disease,” he says.
Which foods most lead the body to produce small LDL cholesterol particles? What dietary and other measures can restore health to the microbiome?
Poor diet is just one factor that has disrupted the colonies of bacteria and other microorganisms both on and within our bodies, known as our microbiome. Other factors include medications, such as antibiotics and stomach acid-blocking drugs, says Dr. Davis.
The impact of this on health spans everything from depression and Alzheimer’s disease to weight gain and diabetes.
Author of the number-one bestseller “Wheat Belly,” Dr. William Davis joins Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon to reveal a largely ignored but vital path to overall health improvement.

see also: Counter Colon Cancer, Colitis, Irritable Bowel by Eating This Homemade Yogurt

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