U.S. Imperialism in Crisis - Century of Bullying Boomerangs Into Resistance on All Fronts

8 months ago

U.S. Imperialism in Crisis - Century of Bullying Boomerangs Into Resistance on All Fronts

June 24, 2024


BreakThrough News

Is the fierce resistance to the genocide in Gaza a sign of an imperialist system in crisis?

What are the various anti-imperialist fronts aligned against the US around the world and what is China's role? What are the characteristics and contradictions of the United States' led imperialist order and in what ways are the chickens coming home to roost in the imperial core?

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Nina Farnia, Assistant Professor of Law at Albany Law School, a longtime activist and a scholar of Critical Race Theory, with a focus on US imperialism and its impact on domestic law.

Her forthcoming book is called "Imperialism: An American Story."

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Original: https://youtu.be/jKIMnyy2oZw

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