Society for Simulation in Healthcare in Healthcare Simulation Research

7 months ago

The largest healthcare simulation organization in the world, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) is a 501(c)(3) organization with more than 4,300 members from more than 60 countries. SSH was established in 2004. SSH’s purpose is to serve a global community of practice enhancing the quality of healthcare.

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The mission of SSH is to serve its members by fostering education, professional development, and the advancement of research and innovation; promote the profession of healthcare simulation through standards and ethics; and champion healthcare simulation through advocating sharing, facilitating, and collaborating.

Simulation education is a bridge between classroom learning and real-life clinical experience. Novices – and patients – may learn how to do injections by practicing on an orange with a real needle and syringe. Much more complex simulation exercises – similar to aviation curricula that provided the basis for healthcare – may rely on computerized mannequins that perform dozens of human functions realistically in a healthcare setting such as an operating room or critical care unit that is indistinguishable from the real thing. Whether training in a “full mission environment” or working with a desktop virtual reality machine that copies the features of a risky procedure, training simulations do not put actual patients at risk. Healthcare workers are subject to unique risks in real settings too, from such things as infected needles, knife blades and other sharps as well as electrical equipment, and they are also protected during simulations that allow them to perfect their craft.​

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