1st Jan 2018 indirect contact session video call between Ayrton, Gabrielle & daddy, well, supposedly

2 months ago

This video call starts with daddy pretending they caught him by surprise & that he can't figure out where the noise is coming from, acting kinda goofy. Ayrton is the first 1 to speak with daddy although he seems rather tired or down.

Very briefly afterwards, their mother takes over the call & engages in conversation with daddy for close to 95% of then whole video call, which bearing in mind this is a form of indirect contact between Ayrton + Gabrielle & daddy, it was rather inconsiderate of her to do so as opposed to encouraging both Ayrton & Gabrielle to interact with daddy. Instead, she left them to watch online content on their devices throughout the whole call.

During over 70 minutes of conversation, mom let's daddy know that they both had a shower that morning & nit or lice treatment, talks about balancing daily water intake, her work & daily routine, also her financial troubles, talks about how overwhelmed she can be as a single parent which is ironic, considering that dad has been trying to get shared residency, which would reduce the load or burden for her, & also considering that he has managed a single parent's life for nearly 20 months after she left him, being the 1 leaving family home in order to ensure they could stay in there, starting off renting a room & gradually moving into a 3 bedroom house less than a year after she left him in order to accommodate for Ayrton & Gabrielle staying with him for up to half their time, without assistance of welfare benefits, housing, etc, without her sharing benefits that belonged to Ayrton & Gabrielle, proportionately on basis of ratio of time spent at each parent's home. For over 1.5 years, Ayrton & Gabrielle had better living arrangements at daddy's, with each having their own bedroom whilst at mommy's they had to share. Ironic that she complains about it to daddy when she was a main contributor to him not having any assistance, partly by denying 50/50 living arrangements so she would be the 1 receiving welfare assistance.

She then talks about what ended her relationship with ex partner, how she stood up to him & tried to make it work with him, some of their disagreements, how she placed Ayrton & Gabrielle before him which is quite the unfunny joke according to feedback from both Ayrton & Gabrielle, also the layout of her house, how her relationship breakdown with ex partner negatively affected Ayrton in particular, & Gabrielle, etc

Considering the lengths she went to, & nature of her false allegations in order to pressure daddy into remaining good friends with her, what was daddy supposed to do, tell her not to hijack the call, to let Ayrton & Gabrielle engage with him more as it is a contact session after all, & risk more retaliation for not giving her attention? Quite the opposite, daddy felt pressured to engage back, be supportive, empathetic, reassuring, positively encouraging etc, otherwise... Besides, what she discussed could've been discussed on a separate call that didn't disrupt contact, highly likely she didn't in order to not leave records of engaging with daddy when she alleged of being petrified of him.

Mom also agrees that Ayrton & Gabrielle occasionally sleeping in a parent's bed is acceptable, contributing to further bonding, but social workers were left uncomfortable with it, after mom made false allegations of sexual contact, which thankfully daddy was cleared from. But nonetheless, that disturbing false allegation, clearly hindered daddy's capacity to allow them to sleep with him, but she is clearly apathetic towards impact of her irrational mind games.

During some of interaction between Ayrton + Gabrielle with daddy, there were a few funny moments. 1 at beginning when daddy was monkeying around pretending not to know where their voices were coming from, & another when he claims that celebrating birthdays every year is a tragedy. Yeah, help us make sense of that, right?

This clip has no edits except the parts to conceal private body parts, because I want the original full length unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions or video calls, to be published on this platform & Rumble, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept apart from each other or not.

Highlights have & are being published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at www.justice4abreu.online to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy to date.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, specially as the most controversial content is yet to come, & there's plenty of it to be published.

#funwithkids, #supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #corruptsocialworkers #childabuse






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