Woman has VAXX induced MISCARRIAGE: tells doubting friends "Take Yourself the F*CK out of my Life"

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2 months ago

This was my baby the day I got vaccinated. His genetic testing was good. His movement and measurement was good. Within days he was gone. If you can't tell me that had nothing to do with it. Please f*cking block me, take yourself the f*ck out of my life. Or if you want, feel free to message me and I'll send you his f*cking autopsy. By the way, his name is Oliver.
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meditational moments
Darling, i am so so so sorry for your loss. Im literally crying. If theres anything i can do to help...pls let me know x
My partner and I where overjoyed when we found out we where expecting in October last year. It was going to be our first child. We both live and work in central Queensland in the mines. I am an Electrician and my partner is a Fitter. When I was just 5 weeks pregnant, my employer (one of the largest mining companies in Aus) announced that they where mandating the • as a requirement for site entry. Facing the prospect of possibly losing my job if I didn't get ••,, I went and spoke to 2 different GPs about what we could do. Both stated that • •, was safe and recommended for pregnant women, and due to ATAGI guidelines, they where unable to give me an exemption for . Still very unsure, but putting my trust in my medical professionals, we believe that I didn't have any other option then to get the Gt. Our doctors were pushing it, I was the highest income earner in our house and my job also provided us our house.

I had the dream first trimester. I was working full time, and ran my own business on my days off. I had no morning sickness, tiredness or anything. Our son (who we named 011ie), his genetic testing was perfect, he was measuring great, things where awesome. I had my first shot of 12 on the 10th of November 2021 and had a mild fever and arm soreness and that was it. On the • I) we had our Nuchal Translucency scan at 12w5d. 011ie was measuring perfectly and even had the hiccups during our scan. Everything looked great. That same afternoon, I had my second dose of . I experienced similar side effects to my first dose.
A few weeks later, over Christmas and New Years, I started to worry as I wasn't experiencing any pregnancy symptoms. On the 4th of January 2022 we presented to the hospital but because I was in good health and didn't display any outward symptoms of miscarriage, we were made to wait 7 hours for someone to form an ultrasound to find out our sweet boy no longer had a heart beat. The doctors were remorseful in that they didn't attend to us sooner. Based on 011ie's measurements, the doctors believed he had died almost immediately after our last scan. He had been dead inside me for nearly 4 weeks and my body had no idea.

On the 10th of January, we presented to the hospital where they put me on medication to start labour so I could deliver my dead son and send him away for an autopsy. We mentioned a number of times to the doctors that I had my the days before they believe he had died but we were brushed off and they weren't willing to entertain the idea of that being any possibility. I brought copies of our scans, all my blood work and offered to have that accompany him to assist with the autopsy and was told they didn't need it. A week later, we received a call saying they now needed this information. I reported it to the TGA: AU-TGA-0000695119
At the hospital, they indicated to us that it would be a couple of weeks before we could expect his body to be returned to us and potentially 3 months before the report would be ready. I called at 3 and a half weeks and was told it could be up to 3 weeks because of 1 delays for the body. I called at 4 weeks and was told maybe by 5 weeks. And then they called me and said it probably would be until at least 6 weeks that we would get his body back, but the lab could provide NO EXPLANATION as to why the delay was so long.

I felt like we were getting the run around. I wanted to wait until we had his autopsy before I was going to share our story, but I didn't want any other family 's to suffer what we have gone through. I don't know if we will ever get the real answer as to what it was that caused his death. I felt backed into a corner with losing my job and our house, trusting my doctors who insisted I would be in more danger if I didn't get it. We now need to live with the what if's for the rest of our lives.
We shared our story through Gerrard Rennick, which gained a lot of attention through various social media platforms...

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