Cognitive FX World Leaders in Long-term Concussion Symptoms and Post-Concussion Syndrome

8 months ago

Premier brain injury treatment center, Cognitive FX, helps patients from around the world heal from post-concussion symptoms (PCS) using its state-of-the-art imaging technology and multidisciplinary treatment.

Cognitive FX advances the way concussions are understood and treated and has seen thousands of patients from around the globe. Their innovative diagnostics and treatments help patients reduce their symptoms and regain their lives, regardless of how long it has been since their injuries.

In the early 2000s, Dr. Alina Fong and Dr. Mark Allen observed a profound lack in the field of concussion and brain injury treatment.

"Most medical providers view post-concussion symptoms as inconveniences that will diminish with time," Dr. Fong, said. "But we understand that, for many people, the symptoms can be life-altering and never 'just go away' on their own."

After a decade of research and clinical practice, they created Cognitive FX. This Utah-based clinic is set apart because of its one-of-a-kind functional Neuro Cognitive Imaging (fNCI), which allows Cognitive FX's doctors to see exactly which brain regions are suffering as a result of a patient's injury.

Using the results of the fNCI, their team of multi-disciplinary doctors and therapists target those regions in a one-week or two-week-long treatment program.

Cognitive FX is the only clinic in the world that provides advanced imaging and diagnostics as well as a multi-disciplinary team of doctors and therapists in a single location—and the results speak for themselves.

After their week-long treatment program, patients report significant improvement, boasting a 60% reduction in symptoms. Patient testimonials can be found on Cognitive FX's YouTube channel.

For more information about Cognitive FX, please visit:

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