The Forgotten Porter Sisters

8 months ago

The #Porter sisters ruled Britain’s #Regency literary scene until one of their childhood friends, #SirWalterScott, trumped them at their own game. Let’s learn about Jane (1776-1850) and Maria Porter (1778-1832). More famous than #JaneAusten in their day, the #Portersisters advanced the #historicfiction genre to new heights. Among their international hits were #ScottishChiefs #RecluseofNorway #thaddeusofwarsaw . #JanePorter was renowned for her beauty and sought out by #Scottish eccentrics. Frequently painted, with her portraits in the #Nationalportraitgallery , she encountered scandal surrounding her books around the Caribbean which seemed made up.


Devoney Looser, #SisterNovelists: The Trailblazing Porter Sisters, Who Paved the Way for Austen and the Brontës , #Bloomsbury (2022)

Smithsonian Magazine, "Sister Novelists" (2022)

Fiona Price, "Sister Novelists", Project MUSE,

#mariaporter #ncwyeth #regency #regencyliterature #regencyengland #regencydocumentary #regencywriter #famouswomanwriter #regencyenglanddocumentary #percyshelley #maryrobinson #bluestocking #robertporter #napoleonicwars #napoleon #sirwalterscott #ivanhoe #waverley

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