Dr. Chris Shoemaker: "The US Department of Defense was involved in the creation of the vaccine"

7 months ago

WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: Dr. Chris Shoemaker - Putting everything on the line to stand for Truth https://rumble.com/v5691sy-dr.-chris-shoemaker-putting-everything-on-the-line-to-stand-for-truth-covid.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

SEE ALSO: WhistleBlower Sasha Latypova with RFK Jr - COVID Vaccines Were a Department Of Defense Operation https://rumble.com/v2uy3c6-sasha-latypova-with-rfk-jr-covid-vaccines-were-a-department-of-defense-oper.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

Dr. Chris Shoemaker: "The US Department of Defense was involved in the whole creation of the vaccine and it was a 4 year program between 2015 and 2019 at which the genomes and the elements were not even given to Pfizer and Moderna until and after the Department of defense US had worked on this vax.

And I call it a death vax because that's what it's causing. This was worked on for 4 years until it was finally put in the hands of Pfizer and Moderna so they could distribute it under their labels...It was never described in its paperwork as being a vaccine...it was called specifically a military countermeasure.

This genomic stuff to be put in our shoulders, 40 trillions mRNAs in every shot. 40,000 billion living squiggly little mRNA things put into you in every shot. Do you know that to cure polio you only needed 80 inert quiet frozen basically not living elements of the polio virus went into your arm 3 or 4 times to make you immune to polio. And this technology warranted 40,000 billion in every shot. So person who's had 5 shots has had 200,000 billion living mRNAs put in them and should we be surprised that we're having shedding from person to person. Should we be surprised that this is toxic and producing neurologic consequences and brain consequences and cardiac consequences 1, 2 and 3 years later. No, we shouldn't be surprised because it's a repetitively toxic circumstance going on inside us and that's what the real science sadly shows."

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