2 months ago

What's more addictive: Cocaine or Sugar? In the video we collaborate with Health Chronicle to bring you the answer.

In 2007, Researchers at the University of Bordeaux conducted a study where They equipped rat cages with two levers: one lever gave the rats an intravenous hit of cocaine; the other gave them 20 seconds to drink sugar water. Before beginning the tests, rats were allowed to sample each lever twice to see how they liked it. Once the test began, 94% of rats chose the sugar-sweetened water. Interestingly, rats still preferred the sweetened water even when researchers gradually increased the cocaine dose.

When comparing the brains of food addicts to cocaine addicts side by side, the similarities are undeniable. fMRI scans of the brains activity reveal A massive spike in dopamine upon initial craving - high levels of anticipation, but low levels of satisfaction on consumption. Basically, Food addicts want sugar more than they actually enjoy eating it.

My thoughts are always governed by the principal that if it is bad for us, our government will allow us to have it in great quantity.

They could shut down for the most part the shipment of cocaine into this country but then they would lose to much profit. We have a lot of these two items in vast quantities because the government knows they are both bad for us and they can profit from the sale of drugs and the sale of drugs to treat the harmful effects of both of these items.

It's always about the money.
Source: After Skool on YouTube

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