Update on Physician Associates Scandal: Phasing Out Doctors

7 months ago

Doctors have proven overall in the past four years, to be very obedient servants of Fascism. This obedience came from a combination of incentives to carry out orders that contravened their training and ethics, and threats of being deregistered and disciplined. Many also had very limited understanding of infectious disease control principles to begin with.

Nevertheless, there is a much cheaper way to employ obedient servants, and that is by reducing the training to a mere two years so that knowledge is at a bare minimum and believing that malfeasance and malpractice are the right thing to do can be indoctrinated from the beginning. In the UK this is happening via the introduction of Physician Associates who look and sound like doctors without appropriate medical training. It is also happening via the introduction of pseudoscience in health profession training. I recently spoke with a midwifery student who has been learning about infectious disease control without any substance, which appears to be so that our midwives and others will believe in rules such as masking, social distancing and other pseudoscience peddled for profit.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA3bJ7-rs48

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