Seth Meyers: 'It Would Be Nice' If Democrats Could 'Competently Articulate' Election Stakes

7 months ago

Posted • July 9, 2024: After a couple of weeks of vacation, the full slate of late night comedy shows returned on Monday to reveal their reactions to President Joe Biden’s poor debate performance and subsequent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. While nobody called for Biden to step aside, there were definitely calls for him to step up his game because democracy is allegedly at stake. … NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers set up his debate commentary by first attacking Donald Trump and the Supreme Court, “Trump's ambition to turn the U.S. into a dictatorship will only be buoyed by a compliant right-wing Supreme Court that essentially just handed him royal powers. So, that's the situation. A wildly dangerous criminal and pathological liar is leading a radical movement to dismantle American democracy and he's within striking distance of the presidency.”

With that as context, a dejected Meyers introduced Biden’s “beat Medicare” gaffe, “The stakes of this election cannot be any higher, which is why it would be nice to have a Democratic candidate who could competently articulate those stakes to the American people, instead of whatever the hell this was.” (…)

• More at: NewsBusters - Late Night Freaks Out Over Biden's Debate Performance, Stephanopoulos Interview
Rumble: Dem Congressman Steven Horsford Says Expecting Biden To Talk In Complete Sentences Is 'Ableism'
Rumble: Stephen Colbert Wonders Why Biden Was 'Dignifying' Trump With Debate
Rumble: 'That Is Not What This Is About!': Jon Stewart Freaks Out At Biden's Stephanopoulos Interview
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