24LHDVD07-04 Jean and Kernaa Williams

7 months ago

Jean Williams: Benefits & Blessings of the Glory
Kernaa Williams: Demons of Hidden Racism

Jean: As we step into the glory realm, we step into His light where the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened to see things in the light of God and from Heaven’s perspective. (Eph 1:17-18) God’s glory has a powerful purifying and sanctification effect. (Isaiah 6:5) You want to live right and no longer live in sin. There is coming an end-time church clothed with God’s Glory. Get ready for it! She lays out the Scriptural benefits and blessings of God’s Glory and the pathway to Glory. This powerfully anointed message of encouragement pertaining to the Glory realm is one we hope you will listen to and hear what the Spirit is saying. Mighty changes come when His Glory is manifested. It was a breakthrough moment in the camp meeting.

Kernaa: In preparation for the mighty outpouring God is getting ready to unleash, God is saying for us to ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and remove everything (hidden racism included) that is keeping us from loving one another. If we are going to be carriers of His Glory there may be some hidden racism that we need to be delivered of. It doesn’t matter if your grandfather was in the Klu Klux Klan or your daddy was a Black Panther, Jesus is the answer. His prayer is that we won’t experience what happened in the unprecedented Azusa Street Revival, where racism was the very thing that destroyed it. Using an example of Aaron and Miriam he shows where even those in positions of leadership, who are acting religious, is no proof that a person is delivered or set free from hidden racism. This service concludes with prayer ministry targeting medical problems.

Kernaa and Jean Williams website:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
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