July 9th - Losing the war on cancer

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Doug Talks About: Losing the war on cancer

Do you remember high school? If you received a test score and it was 31%, or 34% or even 3%, what grade did you get? You got an “F”, correct? I’m asking that for a reason. Out of 100 women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer today, only 31 will be alive in 60 months. (31% 5-years effective cancer treatment rate) Out of 100 men diagnosed today with metastatic prostate cancer, only 34 will be alive in 60 months (34% 5-year effective cancer treatment rate). Only 3 out of 100 metastatic pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed today will be alive in 60 months (3% 5-year effective cancer treatment rate). Tomorrow during our live show from 3-4PM Central Time, 56
Americans will die of cancer. That’s about one cancer death per minute, every
minute, every hour, every month and every year. The older I get, the more deeply concerned I get with theseabysmal cancer survival statistics. I believe if we rewarded doctors for extending their cancer patients’ lives or curing them, we would incentivize success and see a lot of it! Instead, we tend to punish doctors who do not adhere to cancer “standards of care,” including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. And just look how great those standards are working out! Sadly, once cancer begins spreading, your chances of being alive in 60 months are not good. What are we to do? Can we prevent this dreaded disease? Just by observing our failures in treating cancers, I believe we must try everything we can to prevent it. I have suggestions based on medical research. Join me on Tuesday from 3-4PM Central Time and please ask friends and family who are concerned about cancer to join us. See you then! - Doug


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