Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son

8 months ago

Miranda Devine New York Post | Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son. Democrats trying to dislodge Joe Biden will first have to combat the proxy commander-in-chief, Hunter Biden — and that’s more easily said than done. NY Post Columnist Miranda Devine shares this story.

With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son.

While the focus has been on four-time Vogue cover girl Jill Biden and her screeching assurances that Joe is hale and hearty and fit for another four years, the first son has flown under the radar.

But Hunter is glued to his father’s side for a reason. He was with him at Camp David to help prepare for the disastrous debate; was there for the vainglorious Annie Leibovitz family photo shoot post-debate; then flew back with the president to the White House, where he has been ensconced ever since.


#joebiden #hunterbiden #politics #elections

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