Quantum Engineer Tom Paladino | What is Divine Energy or Scalar Light?

6 months ago

Tom Paladino is a Christian, husband, researcher, and humanitarian who aims to bring Scalar Light healing to the world to improve the quantum health of humanity. He began researching Scalar Light during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for Nikola Tesla, the Father of Scalar Light research and development. Starting in 1993, Tom studied research notes and operated Scalar Light instruments developed by another Scalar Light expert, Galen Hieronymus. Tom attributes much of his success today to these two brilliant Scalar Light pioneers.

There are two energies in the universe: Scalar Energy and electromagnetic energy. Scalar Energy is divine energy, and the Sun, our solar system, and the stars serve as the "storehouses" for this divine light. The laws that govern Scalar Energy are distinct from those that govern electromagnetic energy.

Tom Paladino has devoted a significant portion of his humanitarian efforts to helping Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with outreach programs. NGOs comprise action-based program developers and a community of like-minded people committed to making sustainable, humanitarian-oriented impacts worldwide.

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