Diver Comes Close To A Killer Whale While It Hunts For Fish

6 years ago

The sea has always been a mystery for the people. It’s not only a large body of salt water, it can also keep a lot of secrets. We can find many different species in there, various flora and fauna. You can even find something you have never even thought it was possible to find before. One of the biggest animals is the killer whale, or you can call it an orca.

Tough called killer whales orcas are not whales, they are the largest dolphin species and they are one of the world's most powerful predators. These big guys can be found in each world’s ocean so you can see them from the polar regions to the Equator. This video is filmed in the Norwegian Sea which is a marginal sea in the Arctic ocean, between the North Sea and the Greenland Sea. Killer whales are highly social creatures and are family oriented, too They hunt in deadly pods family groups up to 40 individuals. There are two types of orcas: first type prefers fish and we call them resident pods, and the second one prefers marine mammals such as seals and dolphins and we call them transient pods. And that's why you can find them near the marine environments. Killer whales are very protective of their young ones. Female orcas give birth every three to ten years, after long pregnancy period, exactly after seventeen months. There are different types of orcas and the first type looks like a typical killer whale (just like the one in the video) with black and white form with medium sized white eye patch living in the open sea. The other types are smaller than this one, and sometimes they are black and grey.

There is something specific about the orcas and that's their sound. They produce sounds for two functions: communication and navigation. Pods that associate with one other may share certain calls and they are called clans. If you look carefully at this video you can hear the sound this orca is sending to recognize the object. You have to be very brave to go into the deep sea and make a contact with this kind of animal. In this video, at first you can see how the killer whale chases a herring a small fish, and at one moment he decides to let the fish go and look closely at the camera. After that, the killer whale dives again much deeper probably to detect the object. Maybe the orca was confused, it did not expect the diver to be here.

Underwater diving is a great activity that includes interaction with the environment. It is a great way to explore the underwater world. But first of all you should be brave and not be scared of what you can find down there and also you must have the right equipment because humans are not well adapted to the environmental conditions of diving. If you are a diver, we are waiting for you to share some videos with us!


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