First Lady of the church tells The Story About How Her Husband Tried To Kill Her

5 months ago

Did you hear about the woman who husband try to kill her and then she came to church to tell the story. this man tried to kill his wife because of alleged cheating. However, he’s turned his life over to Christ and found the Lord and she decided to tell the church about it. This woman appears to be the first lady now of the church, and tells the whole church about how her husband tried to kill her when he wasn’t saved, and at that time he didn’t dedicate himself to the Lord because of alleged cheating confessed by her niece, who she had in her home to babysit her children. In this video I break it down I talk about it, and I push questions on why her niece would betray her when the real question is why is this man in the church and not locked up in jail for attempting to kill his wife and the deeper question is why are they still together, another question is why is she telling the story in the church but the biggest question of all is why is Jesus attached to it .I don’t know but hopefully you can help me figure out this mystery.

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