China Graveyard - Guangdong Province 中国墓地-广东省

3 months ago

This graveyard near Jiangmen in southern China is located on a large hillside. The graves are very well kept, and the site is very large. My sister-in-law cleaned her mother's grave. I like that there is a photo of her on the grave and there is space her husband. A very spiritual experience. 这个墓地位于中国南方江门附近的一个大山坡上。这些坟墓保存得很好,而且场地也很大。我嫂子清理了她母亲的坟墓。我喜欢坟墓上有一张她的照片,还有她丈夫的空间。一次非常精神的体验

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