Virtue Signaling Seattle Tree Equity Manager job pays $60.83 an hour to plant trees

5 months ago

The city of Seattle is offering a six-figure salary for a Tree Equity Initiative Manager. If you show a bias towards a cedar tree over a spruce, your arborism isn’t welcome and this job isn’t for you.

The position earns up to $60.83 an hour and allows activists to undo environmental injustices disproportionately impacting “communities of color.” We’re supposed to pretend this is due to racism.

The Tree Equity movement is part of a tapestry of contrived social justice causes pursued by Progressive activists seeking hero status. It fits under the umbrella cause of “environmental racism.” This movement attempts to more evenly distribute trees to underserved communities. The lack of tree canopies and green space in black, Asian and Latino-majority communities is due to institutional racism, according to progressives.

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