Illinois Gov Pulls Fast One Opens More Migrant Shelters in Chicago not telling local officials

7 months ago

Last week, Pritzker’s office hailed the creation of the pair of new shelters paid for by the Illinois taxpayers and made possible by deals with the “nonprofit sector.”

“I’m thankful to our partners and the contributions across City, State, County, and nonprofit sectors. These additional shelters provide meaningful support to families seeking stability as they take their next steps toward independence,” Dulce Quintero, Illinois Department of Human Services Secretary Designate, said in a press release.

“In Illinois, we’re implementing our comprehensive data-driven plan to improve our response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and amplify the effectiveness of State, County, and City investments,” the governor added.

But state Rep. Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar and state Sen. Mike Porfirio, both Democrats, were surprised by the announcement and said they were unaware that any new shelter was being opened in their jurisdiction until the announcement was made.

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