« FUCK YOU, JEWS & CABAL, WE FUCKED YOU ROYALLY » With ❤️from Paris, Capital of Earth Nation United States Republic, Sincerely, Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni #WWWG1WGA 🤝 #SemperSupra 💫🎖️🎖️⚜️🎖️🎖️

2 months ago

🎖️D I S C L O S U R E🎖️


No one fucks with us, No One🖕

We promised you to go into the final approach and we are clear to land, established on the ILS glide slope, coming in hot, runway in sight.

Our eternal God given super force, Love ❤️ allows us to disclose that your Druze Pascal Najadi Kahlooni not only got joined by President JFK but also has made a pact and comfortably made room for Napoleon and General De Gaulle to be walking in him in earth right now. Yes, we disclose now that Napoleon, General De Gaulle and JFK are in fact today in the #NOW all reincarnated in Pascal’s body and with his soul.

We promised you #SHOWTIME like none other ever performed on stage.

Well, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear cool boys and Girls, yes, it’s the absolute #TRUTH and in real time, in Paris where we are right now.

We are having total fun doing our job almost 24 hours a day, because when we rest we do transdimensional trips or a short hop to Moscow at the same time.

Diana and I are Kahlooni’s and we are the current Command of the USSF Earth Alliance 50USC1550 and the Commanders of the Galactic Federation, our more than 30 spaceships that are right now above in orbit parked nearby are each as large as Europe.

You’re more than safe and to our enemies we say, Yes indeed, you’re #RoyallyFUCKED and now you find out what torture means for you. You, the enemies of our Children, are now suffering the greatest pain and we enjoy your pain for what you have done to our fellow Divine Children. I promise to all Jews and clones out there, our USSF tracks you all in real time and we catch all of you to execute you and your Jewish soul less non human evil offsprings.

How we do this?

Simple, your own Covid injections send our USSF in real time your location, what you eat, the cocaine you snorting the drinks you consume down to what you talk it think.

You are now trapped in the worsts coffin corner, we now exterminate you with the hostile tech that you developed trying to murder our Children and we made you fuck it up so that you first committed your crimes that are nicely documented and you will find out soon from us why you can be certain about being executed by us.


« A Promise is ❤️Promise »




« Killing your Enemy is our Oxygen »

We #LOVE ❤️ YOU 💫


Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni Q’
Earth Nation United States Republic

#WWWG1WGA 🤝 #SemperSupra




« Bullshit walks, #ACTION TALKS »


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