Tot Boy Gets Pants'd by Rooster

6 years ago

Roosters are a fiery bunch. The amount of crap they’re willing to take is less than or equal to zero, which comes as no surprise to anyone aware of the rich (yet shameful) tradition of having these animals duke it out in a pen while people gamble. There are many important lessons in life, and we here at AFV would contend that “don’t cross a rooster” ranks nearly as highly as all the really crucial ones.

We come upon the scene with a young boy aged around 6 to 8 who’s full on breaking the aforementioned life lesson by teasing this majestic (for a chicken) bird. Unfortunately, there’s little context to the “why” for their salty encounter, but for whatever reason, here we are. The boy kicks at the rooster, then backs off. Not saying he was asking for it, but he kind of was asking for it.

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