Avatars of evil and No one Notices - Part 1 occult series

2 months ago

Avatars of evil - No one Notices - Part 1 occult series

We are living in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended. A time when Avatars of evil are at work in the world - no one notices their goal, What’s that? Find out more in Part One of this series on the Occult world.


All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock

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All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock

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Content Protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act For research, education, criticism & News
PDF’s on Public domain - Alice Bailey - Externalization of the Hierarchy, Treaties of Cosmic Fire page 322 PDF, Alice Bailey - Education in the New Age, (1954) Page 51, 55, 75-81PDF
Dr, Robert A. Herrmann document – 1997 and revised 2001 article entitled: A Scientific Analysis of the writing of Alice A Bailey and their Applications.

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