Which Optic Riser is BEST for You?

8 months ago

Putting a riser on your rifle can offer a lot of benefits but each riser is different and offers solutions and features that benefit different mission requirements. In this video, Chase goes over a number of popular risers and their features. Each Riser is listed below if you want to learn more about them.

Unity Tactical Fast Riser: http://bit.ly/3GJoGId

Unity Tactical Fast Absolute Riser: http://bit.ly/3UBWwEE

ADM 1700 Ti: http://bit.ly/3KTYvB7

ADM 1700: http://bit.ly/3MK8eLF

Over Bore Systems: http://bit.ly/3myS4Ku

Scalar Works LEAP/12: http://bit.ly/3myStfY

GBRS: http://bit.ly/3KypvF6

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