GLOBAL UPDATE: DAILY READ JULY 8 2024 Something force into Mother earth to birth the unnatural! The umbilical cord is getting ready to be cut(shears)Its twins! Earth cervix at her core is thinning! The Pacific Ocean will develop a Category 8 Hurricane aft

7 months ago

HURRICANE.....pacific ocean
these two hurricanes represent eyes of this shadow entity the dragon....
the merging of peace to them...
two hurricanes on each side
born into this word...
cervix of earth thinning...using earth to give life
the volcano that erupts on the ring of fire will be the sign the hurricane on the pacific ocean is next.
giving life to something
magma turned to larva
rain coming in...
store water this is your last chance
compression...old dents on land causing land to fold
northern continental mass....
summer solstice....multiple sun...
sun convection is cooling
center of the sun
umbillical cord be cut.... preparation for something...shears
alantic and pacific

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