Fourth Dimension

8 months ago

↓What is the Astral World?

- The Astral world/plane correlates to the fourth dimension/heart chakra/green energy wave spectrum

- It is a bandwidth of frequency where most humans travel during dream time

- If you remember your dreams, it is a good chance you have integrated your 4th dna strand/chakra/dimension

- Consciousness observes from the dimension above - so in astral travel one projects their consciousness to the fifth dimension, then can observe the astral world one dimension below

- There was and is a split in the astral world - the lower fourth astral world is where a lot of disembodied souls/energies hang without a body stuck in a cycle of re-incarnation, also false ascension matrixes, getting people stuck into “astral bliss” which causes them to be caught in astral bliss of love, light and “clueless” and false white light

- Fallen ET’s also utilize the Astral world to set up extensive AI programs to harvest energy from humanity

- Be mindful if you travel in the astral world that you have appropriate protection as it is possible for a disembodied entity/energy to latch on to your physical body if left unprotected which can manifest as symptoms months or even years later

- Good news: We are deconstructing the artificial AI in the astral world and creating new transit pathways for ascension to end the cycle of re-incarnations for trapped souls and embody your soul/oversoul/Avatar inner Christ as was the original intention of Source

Follwo to heal your soul.

About me 👇

Beloveds, It's a joy to share with you the Eternal Life Wisdom. Much of this wisdom is based on the Science of Source teachings. The latest human to bring forth some of this wisdom is Ashayana Deane in her books Voyagers 1, 2. This wisdom goes deep into eternal life perspectives, and shares techniques and spiritual codes that can activate your limitless potential through your potential/intron DNA.

The more you accrete your potential DNA, the higher your frequency will become and you will be able to manifest and materialize more rapidly into your 3D hologram. It will also awaken your Starseed memory and begin reconnecting to your ancient roots - Atlantis, Lemuria, Lyra, etc. It will also help you unify the polarity and integrate your ego into the sacred law of One.

This wisdom is what that my soul has searched for many lifetimes and it's a joy to share it with you. I hope it can be a catalyst on your healing journey and awaken the potential for eternal life. As always, take what resonates, and leave what doesn't. Love. Light. Peace. and Truth to All sentient BE-ings.

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