Counting Calories - Do We NEED To ? | 40+ Rebuild - 03

7 months ago

The 40+ REBUILD video series is a collection of videos that each summarise an aspect of the 40+ REBUILD 12-week program. They are only an addition to the extensive Coach/Client relationship which forms the backbone of the program.

From the Chapter:
The simple… or to be fair… The SLIGHTLY complicated truth about how many calories we eat and how that affects our weight is that calories DO matter AS WELL AS the way our own unique metabolism processes our food. They BOTH matter.
The calorie hypothesis people on one side and the metabolism slash hormone people on the other side have been fighting this out for decades and they both have a point. And it pains me to say… because I disagreed with it for a long time… BUT… The calorie argument PROBABLY carries more weight.. pardon the pun… sorry… But it is absolutely not the whole picture.
For most of us, if we eat way more energy than we use, we are probably going to gain weight, but that WILL be moderated by our individual physiology, metabolism, and activity level. However, it doesn’t mean we have to count calories. We need to get familiar with the types and quantities of foods we eat, and there is a simple and intuitive way of doing this which I’ll discuss later in the video. But firstly, let’s take a quick look at 4 important ways our bodies process foods.

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