Who needs Broadway when you have Democrats and the media?

6 months ago

Who needs Broadway when you have Democrats and the media?

This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no free world.

Who needs Broadway when you have Democrats and the media?

“To be or not to be”; Richard Pryor impersonating a heroin addict; and Rome’s senators murdering Julius Caesar; behold the magical amalgam of multi-big-screen entertainment! Think what you will about the post-debate theater in the Democratic Party, the conflict and entertainment are undeniable. While conceding that to the discerning critic the question of whether this is high drama or low-brow farce is a difficult one to answer, the story remains riveting.

And this brings us to the lead players: “the Big Guy” himself, Lady Doctor MacBiden, Kamala “Brutus” Harris, Gavin Newsom with a “lean and hungry look,” Gretchen “when the hurly burly’s done” Whitmer, that guy Shapiro from Pennsylvania (but he’s a Jew, and the Dems need Michigan), Pete Buttigieg, innocent as Brutus’s wife and bent in the same position, and, of course, some unknown hooded character in the dark up left who most people believe is Michelle Obama.

Here, the plot slows, swollen with characters determined to take on the part of the hero, but the Big Guy seems equally determined to thwart them.

How this story ends is anyone’s guess. I lean toward the Big Guy being forced to fall on his sword, but if Ol’ White Joe remains stubborn, the media, given their new-found mastery of the obvious, may suddenly discover that the Biden family is neck deep in corruption, in which case the Fop will shed a sentence or even two of crocodile tears before he and his confederacy of dunces move on to Queen Kamala, first dancing like goats and then genuflecting like catamites before the goddess who has alighted among them.

Whatever the denouement, the hubris in having four years ago foisted a diminished and slipping monumental mediocrity like Joe Biden onto the country – whether he remains the Democrats choice or is forced out -- has now returned like Banquo’s ghost and is resulting in the near certain proleptic irony of the march to the presidency of Donald Trump.

If so, the story takes on providential elements in a tale of tragedy to triumph.

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