i talk a buncha shit cos this is the internet damnit

7 months ago

damn this b&w is just the best
is it redundant yet
analyze til it's repugnant
gonna do what i wanna do in spite of you
they spit on me until i like it
i guess they assumed that i'd be the one to off myself
consider yourself instead of all the haters who hate themselves but dunno it
man it sounds like i'm projecting right here
if you can handle being obscene n everybody seeing what's not actually there (about you, they think you're crazy for seeing what actually is)
damn amy, i almost ran off the road at that exit
if you can handle me you've probably endured this "disease"
i'd rather be misunderstood n hated than try to do it their way n be even more of a waste of space
i enjoy my life even when it's hard
you're actually living your life if it's a challenge
more good things will come thru humility n understanding
this is candyassville usa
i am judging the whole, not the individual
i'm allowed cos i'm a comedian
you don't have to think i'm funny or talented
outta mfing spite
everybody contradicts themselves from day to day
as if anybody is perfect but the Lord Jesus Christ
this actually sounds pretty decent cos it's so random n honest
i'm not a musician n can you tell that i hate being a comedian
it is totally degenerate
i don't make myself a victim damnit
people that see themselves as victims are more likely to be the prey of a shrink
and here's my problem w/ the sheep...
you get what chu get cos you made a choice whether you realize it or not
they don't value their experience, bloodstream, emotions or thoughts
they don't even notice the thoughts being planted into their heads
i swear most people are dead w/ a blockhead
what the fuck is that box emoji
ACTION JACKSON contrarian...the sheep don't want an alternative
there are those of us out here doin it weird
i wouldn't put up so many videos if my heart wasn't totally in this
nobody believes in anything this much, i can say that cos i am that hard of a worker
i didn't waste my life, i was figuring things out man
my life was very aimless in my twenties (a lotta pot that's what that means)
they dunno how to scrutinize anything
nobody has time for actual analysis anymore
artists have the time, not mass consumers
insult comics are definitely not gonna be liked right now but they also never were
a real artist wouldn't tell other artists what to do
comedy is totally narcissistic, the microphone kinda gives it away
my standup is featured on yt not on rumble
i kinda sorta hate explaining all these things but it's what i do
i don't wanna complain about this frustration
you gotta feel like shit in order to get right back to gratitude
you've made it if you can be grateful for what wasn't fun
you've made it if you can still be civil to people that call you crazy
you've made it if you can thank someone who told you that you're gonna kill yourself
my skin is thicker cos of all the hazing
some people don't want all the stupid shit that the plebs want
i don't expect any narcissist to understand
many people criticize w/out any empathy, that's really the problem
it's very authoritative n sadly a lotta people are like this cos i suppose they were just prone to it
judging people is what social media is for!
why wouldn't i say whatever i want doin comedy
no sugarcoating, how bout some espressocoating
i love the fuck outta christopher hitchens
anyone that agrees w/ me on women is in my circle
yes, christopher ALL women would prefer it if you stated their opinion
now that the internet has officially destroyed ballsacks...
everyone can feel however they want about anything, forget facts...i'm telling you dear world EVERYTHING IS THE OPPOSITE, think of the information age being the most retarded
entitled? to your own? opinion
narcissistic for having your own idea about sumin?
every 5min they get dumber n more arrogant
nobody really minds judgment, if you truly felt that way you'd probably not be abusing the internet
mucho yt content for my people in the vortex
take a shot since i can't get fucked up anymore
i didn't miss it for very long...here i predicted exactly what i was gonna do
it's all how you use sumin
i guess i am a little weakling, good thing that God still loves me
yes this is internet confession

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