🧡 Playful Wisdom: A Spiritual Livestream on Sanatana Dharma (Yamsox Live July 8th, 2024)

6 months ago

Join us in this enriching TikTok livestream that explores the essence of Sanatana Dharma through profound reflections, interactive challenges, and heartfelt viewer interactions. We set the tone with intention setting and dive deep into life's purpose, the intelligent universe, and wisdom through adversity. Celebrate the light-hearted moments with creative word challenges, engaging Q&As, and playful pet interactions. Gain insights on seeking a guru, the power of Kali, and the inclusivity of LGBTQ. Reflect on Pema Chodron's wisdom, the benefits of neem, and the joy of community gratitude. Conclude with a calming Surya Mantra meditation, emphasizing mindfulness and living intentionally in the present.

00:00:00 Introduction & Intention Setting
00:00:11 Welcoming Guests and Setting Intentions
00:03:16 Discussing Life's Purpose
00:04:54 Responding to Viewers' Updates
00:06:31 Creating New Words
00:08:27 Creative New Words
00:10:22 Invent Words Challenge
00:17:06 Intelligent Universe and the Human Body
00:19:15 Wisdom Through Adversity
00:21:25 QOTD & In Love At Ease Reading
00:22:08 Exploring Sahajananda
00:31:55 Swamishri's Human Traits and Preferences
00:32:56 The Life and Traits of Swamishri
00:37:35 Pause on 'In Love At Ease'
00:37:56 Seeking a Guru
00:41:49 Understanding Guru Dynamics
00:47:32 Exploring Kali's Power
00:48:19 Introduction to Personal Updates and Q&A
00:53:52 Reading from Rumi: The Water We Seek
00:56:52 Sneezes and Seasonal Allergies
00:58:28 Campfire and Roses
00:59:10 Chatting About Allergies
01:04:13 Playful Pet Interactions
01:06:36 Motivation and Self-Care
01:10:41 Pema Chodron's Wisdom on Loneliness
01:13:06 Humor and Elephants
01:13:34 Reflections on Loneliness and Travel Anxieties
01:16:45 Viewer Engagement and Light Heartedness
01:19:57 Embracing Anxiety
01:23:19 Hummingbird Joy and Viewer Farewells
01:25:56 Reading from the Vachanamrut
01:35:09 Neem Tree Benefits and Uses
01:36:44 Celebrities and Their Influence
01:39:35 Funny Celebrity Encounters
01:44:03 Dealing with Technical Issues and Void Space
01:48:55 A Tour of My Mother's Garden
01:51:05 The Pull of Nostalgia
01:52:13 The Energy Within
01:57:05 Caring for the Body and the Joy of Gongs
01:58:20 The Inclusivity of LGBTQ
01:59:21 Live Intentionally in the Present
02:10:21 Celebrating Sobriety
02:11:57 Hilarious Stoner Story
02:14:34 Whimsical Genie Wishes
02:18:01 Community Gratitude and Interactions
02:21:44 Focus on Viewers and Live Interaction
02:23:10 Intentions and Misunderstandings with Words
02:25:24 Finding Comfort in Sirens
02:26:46 Gratitude and Viewer Engagement
02:30:57 Technical Pause and Reconnection
02:31:52 Overview of Kali Yuga and Consciousness Shift
02:43:34 Creative Emotion Naming
02:45:50 Rest and Self-Care Tips
02:46:39 Inventing New Words
02:47:12 Managing Anger
02:48:01 Creative Emotion Words
02:51:41 Reading From 'In Love At Ease'
02:54:01 Neurodivergent Communication
02:54:43 Swamishri's Diligence and Routine
02:57:03 The Vulnerability of Eye Contact
02:57:30 Swamishri's Daily Routine
03:07:05 Surya Mantra Meditation
03:15:58 Closing Reflections and Farewell

#SanatanaDharma #Spirituality #Introspection #Wisdom #Livestream #Gurus #Inclusivity #Mindfulness #SuryaMantra #Community

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