Neil Oliver: The internet is enabling all of us to come together.

7 months ago

Neil Oliver: "While on the one hand the technology is there to enable for the first time on planet Earth global surveillance and global control witch is true and that's the threat we face, but we can also use their weapon against them. Those people have realized that they have created something that is being used against them every bit as effectively as they are using it against the people that they want to control...Now the baddies find that they've got a tiger by the tail.
People like Henry Ford and Rockefeller at the start of the 20th century are on record as having said: "We don't want educated population. We just need drones to come and work in factories. We just need people to do what they're told. We just need to deracinate people, break them away from the roots, take people away from their skills and just have them do menial tasks in the factories so that they feel isolated..." We are rebuilding ourselves. All of the parts that were atomized and broken down and separated one from another. The internet is enabling all of us to come together."

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