07.07.24 "The Land of the Free / A Course for the Free"

7 months ago

Happy 4th of July week, celebrating Independence Day in the USA. We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on this date in 1776 as the nation's official birthday. That makes the USA 248 years old. I think the country could use all the healing love it can get right now, and I DO love my country. I wear a big USA flag pin almost every day – I certainly will have it on this Sunday. I was happy to see both current President Biden and former President Trump wear one at the debate on Thursday June 27th (but mine's bigger! lol).

The Presidential debate put many in the country in a dark mood, so let's heal that with our love and light this Sunday. One of the things the USA stands for is freedom. The USA flag is the powerful, recognized symbol for freedom all over the world. The picture above is not from the USA. It was taken at a Hong Kong freedom rally in 1999.

Freedom is one of the key ideas in ACIM. As I have said many times, as key as freedom is, I'm surprised that it's rarely talked about by the popular ACIM teachers. The word "free" or "freedom" (or some derivation of it) occurs 652 times in ACIM. The word “slave” or “slavery” occurs another 32 times. Those are all truly about “freedom” too.

My favorite freedom quotation is this one, "You have heard many arguments on behalf of 'the freedoms,' which would indeed have been freedom if man had not chosen to fight for them. ... Yet the argument that underlies the defense of freedom is perfectly valid. Because it is true, it should not be fought for, but it should be sided with." (OrEd.Tx.7.11) This is a wonderful teaching. If we fight for freedom then it is not freedom anymore. However freedom is still the goal. Our mission then, the healing then, is to always SIDE with freedom with our whole being.

That's what I DO, and HAVE DONE my whole ministry. Relationship freedom, sexual expression freedom, medical freedom, body autonomy freedom, my right to move about "freely" in society ... I have taken strong, often unpopular, stands for all of these things and will continue to do so. Since freedom is so important in ACIM, the fact that the Course originated from the USA, "the land of the free," seems perfectly appropriate to me.

"Happy Birthday USA!!" Feel our love and heal!

24 min.

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